About Me

a picture of Kevin Ting
It was a very intense breakfast.

Hi there! My name's Kevin, and I'd like to welcome you to my vanity project. I'm a web developer by day and still a web developer by night!
My interest in cooking started when my doctor told me I needed to make lifestyle changes to avoid getting a heart attack. With a renewed appreciation for life, I started cooking my own meals rather than eating out, and eventually, I found Youtube channels like Binging with Babish, Bon Appetit's Brad Leone, Joshua Weissman, and of course, Gordon Ramsay.

I'm nowhere near as good as these guys, but I appreciate how they make cooking so much fun. And ultimately, that's what I want to achieve with this site, too.

About this site

Epic Meal Time posted this video 4 years ago where they created a Filipino Cheesesteak. There's a short montage of Amir saying "Adobo Bacon!" multiple times, and the name has stuck with me since. Coincidentally, I'm a Filipino living in the United States, I thought Adobo and Bacon represented the Philippines and United States well, so that's how I ended up with the name.

So about the purpose of this site..have you ever tried to follow a recipe online, but you have to read through paragraphs and paragraphs of content before you even get to the ingredients list? Not to mention those ads--especially the ones that popup! Yeah, I grew tired of that, so I created a website where I can keep records of the recipes I've tried and look them up again whenever I want.

That's right. I created this site myself. You see, I've made it a goal to create something fun and cool every year. Sort of a project that would keep me busy for weeks and even months.

For more technical stuff, I created this site using MongoDB, Express, and NodeJS. I will personally be maintaining this site, and will improve on it as I learn more about this stack I'm using. So watch out for cool features in the future!

The recipes I post on here are recipes I've tried and have served to family and friends. Once I get their approval saying it tastes great, I post it here.
This is not meant to be a blog, but meant to be a database on which I can search up past recipes on the go. But I'm keeping it flexible for any opportunities that might arise later on.

Well, I've said too much already. Let's start cooking!